UP TO:~9years old
Price (Tax included)
Pedicure/Time approx : 1H
(Filing+Foot bath+Cuticle care+Callus removal+10 min Massage+Coloring+Art)
Manicure/Time approx : 1H
(Filing+Cuticle care+10 min Massage+Coloring+Art)
Nail art set/Time approx : 1.5H
(Filing+Coloring+Art for hand’s & toes)
Toe nail art/Time approx : 30min~1H
(Filing+Foot bath+Coloring+Art)
Nail art/Time approx : 30min~1H
※You can choose the Art design from COCOK’S original Design Booklet.
※Massage includes 10min from knees to toes.
※If you have any allergies or have any questions please let us know when you arrive for your appt.
※Kid’s will receive a small gift after the service.